Photos of Germinating Grape Seeds at MAVO - 2007


Above Photos: The blotter method of seed germination - a moist paper blotter (Scott Contractor Paper Towels) in Petri dish. Don't put too many seeds in a dish, the amount shown is near the limit (no touching seeds) Notice two geminated seeds, ready to plant into the plant bands. Seedlings emerging from the media in the plant bands; first the elbows, then the cotyledon leaves, which have to pull out of the seed coat.

Above: A fungal 'bloom' that seems to originate from a 'barnacle' on a grape seed. See here for photos of the 'barnacles'

Above: A close-up of the fungal 'bloom'

Above: A close-up of a seed that has germinated, with the root radicle growing downward (away from the camera) toward the filter paper

Above: A close-up of a seed that has germinated, turned over, with the root radicle pointed towards the camera.

Above: A view of a longer radicle from a grape seed. In this case, the tip of the radicle was accidentally killed by exposure to a bleach surface rinse (seed started to germinate in stratification). The radicle is showing the initiation of a branch root above the portion killed by the bleach exposure.